According to WHO “Mental Health means a
state of well being in which, the individual realizes his or her abilities, can
cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and
is able to make a contribution to his or her community”.
Mental Health includes Emotional, Physical and Social
well being. Mental health is very important from childhood to old
Counseling: is a collaborative effort between the counselor and
client. Professional counselors help a client identify the goals and
potential solutions to his problems which cause emotional disturbances, seek to
improve communication and coping skills, strengthen self-esteem and promote
behavior changes and optimal mental health. Counseling is usually a
short-term therapy. Psychotherapy is a
long-term therapy than counseling and focuses on a broader range of issues. So
in counselling suitable psychotherapies are applied depending on the client’s
problems. If the problem needs medical support, surely it goes to
psychiatric attention.
Psychiatry and Psychology, those are overlapping
professional mental health professions. Their areas of expertise are
the mind and the way it affects behaviour and well being. They often
work together to prevent, diagnose and treat mental illness. And
both are committed to helping people mentally well. But there are
differences between Psychiatry and Psychology. But it goes hand in hand
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